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Province fast tracks mangrove planting

In an effort to achieve the target this year, the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) through the Office of the
Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) is fast tracking to plant mangroves in the coastal municipalities in Bohol.
Remedios Regacho, Chief-Fishery Division-OPA accounted that of the one million mangroves target to be
planted this year, some 347,600 pieces of propagules and seedlings had been planted as of Wednesday since January
this year.
Regachobared that of these number of pieces, 93,000 were planted in Cabul-an, Buenavista; 60,000 Nasingin
Island, Getafe; 50,000 (San Francisco, Talibon); 43,000 (Macaas, Tubigon); 23,000 (Valencia); 22,000 (Calape);
21,000 (Loon); 13,000 (Loay); Taguihon, Baclayon and Canigaan, Sandingan Island, Loon at 1,300 pieces each, and
other coastal municipalities in Bohol.
She disclosed that the PGBh has appreciated much the chief executives of the Municipal Local Government
Units (MLGUs) who have been helping this endeavor like Mayor Dave Duallo of Buenavista who draws from his
own pocket just to hire workers to help the LGU employees, Cabul-an East Fishermen’s Association, and OPA staff
to plant thousand pieces of propagules and seedlings in Cabul-an Island.
However, she admitted that the one million target could hardly be achieved because of so many factors such as;
non-acceptance of some LGUs because the program actually has no labor components, and the difficulty in the
procurement of planting materials considering also that the mangrove propagules could only be available in the
months of June, July and August and not all year round.
In fact, Regacho said that she maximizes the services of her staff to plant the mangrove propagules and seedlings
and so with the bagging of mangrove seedlings and as such she appreciated most the LGUs whose employees would
lead and help in the planting activities.
This significant stride of the PGBh is very useful to our environment because according to Barner and other
known environmentalists and researchers the mangrove valuations are estimated as follows: raw materials and food,
coastal protection, erosion control, maintenance of fisheries or nursery ground of fish, carbon sequestration and
filters sediments from upland.


It may be recalled that in the green advocacy of Gov. Art C. Yap he launched the “Tree Growing Activity” of the
PGBh in Barangay Calanggaman, Ubay, Bohol last September 1, 2019 which aims to plant and grow 3 million trees
including fruit trees and 4 million mangroves in three years.
At that time, Gov. Yap together with the employees of the OPA, Bohol Environment Management Office
(BEMO), Education Development Center (EDCenter) and President Carlos P. Garcia Scholars planted the varieties
of fruit-bearing trees and trees in an area owned by Ubay Waterworks Service Cooperative (UWASCO) in
Calanggaman which is an adopted “Tree Growing Park” for CPG Scholars as part of their social responsibility.
Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas said that Gov. Yap is very determined to make Bohol green
by growing 7 million trees within his first term as governor.
Pamugas, however, emphasized that in this program, the PGBh has the guidelines to be followed so that our
efforts would not go into waste or couldn’t be called as “plant and forget activity.” (Atoy Cosap)
HITTING TARGET.The staff of the Fishery Division, Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) lead in the
planting of mangroves in the different coastal municipalities in the province of Bohol in an effort to achieve
the targeted one million mangroves propagules and seedlings to be planted this year.

COVID RESPONSE PROGRAM PCA gives incentives to coco, banana farmers

The Provincial Coconut Authority (PCA) has been instrumental to the coconut farmers in this time of
crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic by launching the programs that give incentives to them.
Bohol PCA Provincial Manager Emiliano Romero and PCA Senior Agriculturist Primo Galendez said
that they just met this year’s target of planting 398,000 coconut seedlings of the “Incentivized Coconut
Planting/ Replanting Project” formerly “Participatory Coconut Planting Project”.
They said the project would give incentives to coconut farmers that would reach the total amount of
P85 per coconut already planted and stabilized using his own good seedlings.
Under this program, a coco farmer is entitled to plant a maximum of 1 hectare (ha.) and a minimum
of ½ ha.
They said that they are now also preparing for the implementation of this program next year of the
same number of coconut seedlings to be targeted.
Romero and Galendez explained that even if they already completed the program for this year, the
coco farmers could still avail of the same incentives using another source of funds as granted under
Republic Act 8048.
They said that RA 8048 allowsto utilize funds coming from the collection of coconut cutting fees of
which under this they targeted to plant about 7,000 coconut seedlings or to be planted to 50 has. of coco
farm areas.
Romero and Galendez said that aside from this, there is another program of PCA that would also help
the coconut farmers in this time of crisis which is the “Banana Intercropping Project.”
They bared that this project promotes the planting of carnava variety of banana to intercropat the
coconut farm wherein a coconut farmer is entitled to plant a maximum of one ha. (200 banana plants) and
a minimum of ½ ha. (100 banana plants) at P25 incentive per banana planted.
They said that the listing to avail the program is now on going and what the farmers would like to do
is to contact the PCA agriculturists assigned in their areas or to visit to their Municipal Agriculture Office
in their respective towns to be listed.
This project has targeted 700 has. of coco farm to be planted with carnava variety of banana
throughout Bohol and this will be started within this year.
According to them, the province of Bohol has 104,000 has. of coconut farm wherein the bigger areas
have planted are located in Balilihan, Inabanga, Carmen, Catigbian, Loay, Lila, Valencia and other
coastal municipalities. (Atoy Cosap)
INCENTIVISED PROGRAM. Bohol PCA Manager Emiliano “Emil” Romero (extreme right) and PCA
Senior Agriculturist Primo Galendez disclose programs of the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) giving
incentives to coconut farmers through “Incentivized Coconut Planting/ Replanting” and “Banana
Intercropping Under Coconut Farm” projects to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

Bohol “Bird Flu” free

The agricultural province of Bohol is free from Avian Influenza, otherwise known as “Bird Flu”.
Provincial Veterinarian Dr. Stella Marie D. Lapiz during the “Tingog sa Mga Bol-anon Program” of the
provincial government last Friday said that even there  are no cases of Bird Flu in the province, measures to prevent
the entry of the virus have been strengthened.
“Tingog sa Mga Bol-anon Program” is aired every Friday, 8 a.m. to 9a.m.over DYRD.
Dr. Lapiz said that Bird Flu is caused by a virus, specifically coming from the highly pathogenic A (H5N6),
usually infecting bird and poultry and in rare occasion, it can cross contaminate from birds to humans.
She said that in an effort to prevent the possible entry of the virus to our province that could occur via exposure of
poultry to infected migratory birds, water fowl and sea bird or through direct contract with the importation of
infected or contaminated poultry, poultry products or fomites,  Governor Art C. Yap issued an Executive Order No.
40 “Adopting the National Protocol on Avian Influenza, otherwise known as “Bird Flu,” Protection Program and
creating a Provincial Task Force in the Province of Bohol that would take effect on August 5, 2020.
Dr. Lapiz stressed that the action of the governor came when there are sightings of migratory birds in barangays
Pantodlan, Cabacongan and Cabilao in Loon; Panggangan in Calape; Cogtong and Panas in Candijay; Buwangan,
Clarin; Dipatlong and Lincod in Maribojoc; Danao, Panglao; Malinao Dam in Poblacion, Pilar and in Talibon.
She said that based on regular surveillance the migratory birds had started to enter the mentioned towns in April
and this month they have also started to move going outside the province.
During their stay, the body secretions or dungs from infected migratory birds could contaminate the poultry farms.


The provincial government has adopted the 2016 National Avian Influenza Protection Program specifically the
pertinent provisions applicable to LGUs in the implementation of the protection program by creating the Provincial
Avian Influenza Task Force (PAITF) that composed the Provincial Executive Committee, the Committee on Animal
Protection, the Committee on Human Protection, and the Committee on Information, Education and Communication
The Executive Committee is tasked to provide policy direction and oversight function of the Bird Flu Task Force;
review and recommend preparedness and response plan; and identify and recommend sources of fund for the plan
while the committee on IEC shall ensure adequate awareness of the general public on matters and updates pertaining
to Avian Influenza.
The Committee on Animal Health Protection has the following components, viz: Surveillance Team which shall
conduct the regular surveillance and profiling of poultry disease in the identified priority areas in the province
specifically in places where sighting of migratory bird reported; wet market and poultry farms; Rapid Action Team
which shall carry out the immediate diagnosis of suspect premises and the initiation and implementation of the
stamping out procedure;
Quarantine Team shall ensure the implementation of the prescribed minimum bio-security measures in ports,
airports and poultry farms, the regulation and/or prohibition of animal movement, and document of in-coming and
out-going shipment of poultry, poultry products and birds;
And Census Team which shall conduct periodic identification and consolidation of data on poultry population,
kinds and location in the province.
Dr. Lapiz said that they strictly implemented the precautionary measures for the entry ofpoultry, poultry products
or fomites from other provinces to include the banning of entry of all poultry and poultry products coming from
Pampanga and Nueva Ecija who have been badly hit by the disease and also additional requirements to be required
such certificate from the Bureau of Animal Industry certifying that the poultry, poultry products have come from the
poultry farms that are Bird Flu free.
Lapiz disclosed that the other week, Gov. Yap had met the presidents of the Barangay Livestock Aide (BALA)
strengthening the measures against Bird Flu such disease poses imminent threat to the country’s poultry industry, to
the livelihood of the people and to food security of consuming public.
The provincial veterinarian said that like the COVID-19, the Bird Flu has no vaccine yet being produced/
discovered, thus following the protocols is a must. (Atoy Cosap)

STRENTHENING MEASURES.Provincial Veterinarian Dr. Stella Marie D. Lapiz during the
“TingogsaMgaBol-anon Program” of the provincial government last Friday says that the Bohol continues to
strengthen its measures against the disease of poultry, poultry products or fomites even that the province is
free from “Bird Flu.”“TingogsaMgaBol-anon Program” is aired every Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. over DYRD.

Former V-Gov. Balite urges Boholanos to plant coconut

Former Vice-Governor Atty. Dionisio Balite who is now the chairman of the Bohol Coconut Development
Council (BCDC) strongly urged the Boholanos to plant coconut as the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh)
through Governor Art C. Yap has included in his priority programs the expansion of coconut plantation in Bohol.
Atty. Balite issued the call when he delivered a message during the launching of Bohol COCOKADIWA Ni Ani
At Kita Outlet held at the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Provincial Office, this city last Thursday as one of
the activities in line with the current month-long celebration of Coconut Month.
Balite even urged the PCA employees to lead in planting coconut as they are working in the government office
tasked to improve the coconut industry.
He said that he made the call without fear of contradiction because he is a planter of coconut even that he is a
lawyer, politician and owned six big schools, the Bohol Institute of Technology (four in Bohol, one in Siquijor and
one in Butuan) as he stated “go beyond what you are now.”
Balite encouraged the coconut farmers to engage in the intercropping to make use of farm land under coconut
trees by planting agri-commodities, such as banana, cassava, sweat potato, corn, coffee and cacao; and even raising
cattle, pig, chicken, and ducks among others.
He bared that now when he has visitors, he wouldn’t offer soft drinks or coffee but coconut juice and plan not to
offer wine anymore during fiestas or any gathering but “bahalina”.
The former vice governor disclosed now that he heads the BCDC he is very determined to strengthen the coco
farmers’ organizations in the province as he already completed the conduct of consultative road show together with
the coco farmers’ presidents of the different municipalities in Bohol.
According to him, he wants to leave a legacy underscoring the importance of coconut that is why he is very
aggressive to revive and strengthen the coconut industry.
He hopes that his words be inculcated into the minds of the Boholanos especially the youth.
Board Member Ricky Masamayor, chairman – Committee on Agriculture of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of
Bohol who is also the member of the board of BCDC said that he has given 101% support to improve the coconut
industry in Bohol.
He told PCA-Bohol Manager Emiliano Romero not to hesitate to ask his office for whatever help he can extend,
be it a resolution or ordinance just for the good of the coconut farmers.
Masamayor admitted he had no love for agriculture because he has no background on it having grown in the city.
But when Gov. Yap and Vice-Governor Rene L. Relampagos choose him to hold the chairmanship of agriculture
committee and after rubbing elbows with the people in the agriculture sector he really felt love for agriculture.
PCA-Bohol Manager Romero in his welcome message thanked the BCDC for their strong support for the plans
and programs of PCA to strengthen and expand the coconut industry in the province.
Romero bared that his office in Bohol has lined up several activities to color the month-long celebration of
Coconut Month spearheaded by PCA Administrator Benjamin Madrigal, Jr.
This is to show that they are not sleeping on their tasks to help the coconut farmers, he said.
Romero said that the Bohol COCOKADIWA Ni Ani at Kita Outlet at his office serves as the venue where the
coconut by-products from the coconut farmers’ entrepreneurs can be sold such as: coco log, coco peat, calamay,
coco sap sugar, virgin coconut oil, bahalina, sukang puti (regular), sukang puti (spicy), sukang pula (spicy), and
sukang pula (regular).
Catalino Ordinario, Jr. who is the Small Coconut Farmers’ Organizations (SCFOs) chairman in region 7 and in
Bohol and member of board of BCDC said that the organizations have strongly supported the plans and programs
for coconut in the province.
Senior PCA Agriculturist Primo Galendez in his closing statement thanked the Boholano coconut farmers
especially the coconut farmer entrepreneurs who have given the chance to sell their products at the COCOKADIWA
ni Ani At Kita Outlet as a way of promoting their products.
Galendez invited the Boholanos to buy coconut products and by-products. He said, they are looking into
possibilities that this products can be sold at the ART Tabo sa Plaza in front of Bohol Wisdom School, CPG North
Avenue, Cogon, Tagbilaran City. (Atoy Cosap)

COCOKADIWA AT KITA OUTLET. Former Vice Governor Dionisio D. Balite (2 nd from right) who is also
the chairman of the Bohol Coconut Development Council (BCDC) and Board member Ricky Masamayor,
chairman Committee on Agriculture, Sangguniang Panlalawigan lead the ribbon cutting during the launching
of Bohol COCOKADIWA NI ANI KITA OUTLET at PCA Provincial Office, this city last Thursday assisted by the
PCA-Bohol Manager Emil Romero who also leads the current month-long celebration of Coconut Month and
Catalino Ordinario, Jr. president of small coconut farmers organizations in Bohol. PCA-Bohol Manager
Romero endorsing coconut by-products at the PCA Provincial Office.

COVID-19 cancels some PGBh events

Some usual activities of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) through the Office of the
Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) geared towards agriculture have been affected by the COVID-19.
Rosanna G. Lamdagan Chief-Agribusiness Division, OPA, said that this year’s Sandugo Agri-Fair
2020, usually done on the third week of July, did not happen due to the continued threat of the virus.
The SandugoAgri-Fair is one of the activities of the PGBh to add color in the month-long celebration
of the Sandugo Festival every month of July showcasing the Boholano grown/raised agricultural
The week-long fair also aims to recognize Boholano farmers who have excelled in their respective
field of agriculture.
Lamdagan bared that the coming activities such as World Food Day in the third week of October and
the Kasadya sa Bohol in December are already cancelled.
She said that the delay in awarding and recognizing the winners of the SUHID sa Malampusong Mag-
uumang Bol-anon 2019 has been also caused by the dreaded disease. The said recognition is usually done
during the closing program of the Sandugo Agri-Fair.
The Ubi Festival celebrated last January 28-31 is also uncertain if it can be celebrated next year.
Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas ordered for the temporary suspension on price
monitoring at the wet markets and malls by the OPA price monitoring team to avoid them for being
afflicted with the virus.
Some scheduled trainings and meetings of the farmers associations are also cancelled to keep health
standard protocols.
However, aside from some cancellations, the PGBh has sustained to conduct the Agricultural Rural
Transformation (ART) Tabo sa Bohol every Monday and Thursday at the CPG Park infront of Bohol
Wisdom School, CPG North Avenue, Cogon, Tagbilaran City and the KADIWA on Wheels every
Tuesday in Albur and every Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Dauis that sell agri-commodities at the
low prices compared than those of the wet markets and malls. (Atoy Cosap)

OPA sets programs tofitin‘new normal’

In order to assess plans and programs targeted for the first and second semesters of the current year and to
formulate targets for next year’s operations in conformity with the new normal condition, the Office of the
Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) conducted the mid-year assessment last Friday at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
(SP) Session Hall, Provincial Capitol Building. 
Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas led the six division heads: Rosanna G. Lamdagan
(Agribusiness Division), Gemma G. Encabo (Admin Division), Gertrudes S. Fuentes (Crops and Productivity
Division), Evelyn Maligsa (Planning Division), Remedios Regacho (Fishery Division), and Marjoe Rey Labonite
(Research and Agricultural Support Services) together with some section heads in assessing and discussing matters
relative to plans and programs of OPA.
Dr. Pamugas said that it cannot be denied that the implementation of some targets for the first semester and early
part of the second semester has been affected by COVID-19.
Along with this Pamugas said that we would still be very grateful to the Almighty because agriculture would not
be so affected compared to tourism.
Farmers are not prohibited to go on farming and so with the fishermen to go on fishing for their livelihood unlike
with the people in the tourism sector.
Pamugas said let us treat the situation as a challenge in our quest geared towards agriculture in the new normal
He said that the OPA targets are in conformity with the plans and programs of Governor Art C. Yap to boost
production in order to sustain food supply for Bohol.
The RASS Division has programmed several projects for farm mechanization and irrigation; Crops and
Productivity Division (Advance Rice Technolgy (ART) 160, ART 120 – the planting of hybrid and inbred rice,
Agricultural Rural Transformation (ART) Corn Technology 100); Fishery Division (rehabilitation and expansion of
fish ponds/cages).
Agribusiness Division (building sustainable agribusiness through ART Tabosa Bohol, linking farmers’,
producers’ and processors’ products to clients and buyers among others;  Admin and Planning Divisions have set the
tone for sound management in dealing the plans and projects at the OPA.
Some division and section heads described that the plans and programs are so ambitious but Dr. Pamugas said
that we have to face this big challenge unmindful what difficulties we have encountered just for the good of the
Boholanos we are serving. (Atoy Cosap)

OPA MID-YEAR ASSESSMENT. Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas leads the Office
of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) Mid-Year Assessment last Friday held at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Session Hall, Bohol Provincial Capitol discussing and planning the needed programs to boost agriculture

PCA-Bohol joins “Coconut Month” celebration

The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)-Bohol has joined the country in the celebration of “Coconut
Month” in this current month.
PCA-Bohol Manager Emil Romero said several activities are lined-up for the month-long celebration
through Facebook Live Viewing such as: CocoSina-Pastry, CocoSina-Snacks, CocoSina-Main Dish,
CocoSkwela: Urban Agriculture, CocoSkwela: School on the Air Program, CocoSkwela: Award 2020,
Launching of KADIWA for Negros Oriental.
Launching of KADIWA for Bohol, Regional Stakeholders’ Forum, CocoSkwela: E-Technology Series
(Organic Certification, Food Safety, International Trade Regulation), CocoKwentuhan: CAMP Organized
Webinar Series (Coco Ethanol, Go Lokal), CocoKwentuhan: CAMP Organized Webinar Series – Virgin
Cogonut Oil: Going Viral and Its Economic Potential, CocoKwentuhan: CAMP Organized Webinar
Series – Revival of the Oleochemical Industry, Copra Marketing and Pricing, Coconut Coffee
Agribusiness Farming System.
Meanwhile, Romero said that the PCA and the coco farmers are now doing their best to revive the
coconut industry in Bohol.
The PCA Manager bared that he is elated on the development for the active participation of the coco-
farmers on the plans and programs of the PCA.
He said that Bohol Coconut Development Council (BCDC) headed by its Chairman former Vice
Governor DionisioBalite has been very determined to strengthen the coco farmers’ organizations.
Romero said BCDC has scheduled the consultative road show with municipal presidents of coconut
farmers associations of which last Thursday morning the road show was conducted at Bohol Institute of
Technology (BIT) – Jagna participated by the coco farmer presidents from Lila, Dimiao, Valencia, Garcia
Hernandez, Jagna, Duero, Guindulman, Anda, Mabini andCandijay and in the afternoon at BIT-Main
Tagbilaranattended by farmer presidents from Tagbilaran, Albur, Baclayon, Corella, Sikatuna, Antequera,
Balilihan, Catigbian, Dauis, Panglao, Cortes, Maribojoc, Loon, Calape, Tubigon, Clarin, San Isidro,
Loboc, Sevila, and Loay.
On Wednesday, the consultative road show will be conducted in the morning at BIT-Talibon with
coco farmers’ presidents from the municipalities of President Carlos P. Garcia, Ubay, Trinidad, Talibon,
Getafe, Buenavista, Danao, Bien Unido, and Inabanga. While in the afternoon it will be held at BIT-
Carmen with farmer presidents from Carmen, Pilar, Sierra-Bullones, Batuan, Pilar, Sagbayan, Alicia,
Dagohoy, and San Miguel, Romero added.
He said the province of Bohol has 104,000 hectares (has.) planted with 10 million coconut trees by
33,000 coconut farmers. The towns with vast areas planted with coconuts are Balilihan, Antequera,
Valencia, Garcia Hernandez, Ubay and Inabanga.
Romero urged the Boholanos to plant coconut, saying PCA Bohol has now not less than 100,000
coconut seedlings of different varieties nursed in Ubay Seed Garden, Calanggaman, Ubay.
He revealed that the buying prices of copra now are P17.50 per kilo for the “Pasa” (farm gate price)
and P22/kilo for the “Resecada.” (Atoy Cosap)
MONTH-LONG FETE.Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)-Bohol Manager Emil Romero (extreme right)
together with Primo Galendez, Senior Agriculturist-PCA Bohol, and Rizabeth “Babes” Dela Pena leads the
Boholano Coconut farmers in the celebration of “Coconut Month” this month of August.

Bohol’s food supply to boost next month

The Bohol’s food supply is expecting to boost next month following the harvesting time of thousands of hectares
(has.) of planted rice among Boholano farmers in the province.
Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas during the “Tingog sa mga Bol-anon Program” of the
provincial government last Friday which has been heard every 8 am-9 am at DYRD said that Bohol could expect a
good harvest of planted rice starting last week of next month considering the frequent rainfalls have been
experienced in Bohol and almost all among the Boholano rice farmers have planted their rice lands.
Dr. Pamugas bared that Bohol has 47,378 has. of potential rice areas and out these there are 34,204 has. have
planted with different varieties of rice while the rest are not being tilled because of the insufficiency of water supply.


He disclosed that under the Advanced Rice Technology (ART) 160 (hybrid)  and ART 120 (inbred), Governor Art
C. Yap aims to boost rice production in the province.
In the next cropping season, the provincial government has targeted 9,000 has. to be planted with hybrid rice and
10,000 has. for inbred rice.
Pamugas said the governor strongly urged the Boholano farmers to plant hybrid rice on their tilled irrigated areas
because it produces high yield that would reach up to 160 sacks per has. and also to plant inbred rice for areas who
have reliable sources of water and rainfed which also shows good yield performance.
To date, said that the rice standings are in booting/panicle initiation, heading to the flowering, dough, and ripening
to maturing stages.
He reported that last Wednesday and Thursday he traveled almost around Bohol and he saw the good condition of
the standing crop and enough water levels among dams; the Malinao Dam, Pilar; Bayongan Dam in San Miguel;
Capayas Dam in Ubay and San Pascual Dam in Talibon.

Pamugas emphasized that not only rice has given priority in the provincial government to boost food production
but also corn, cassava, sweet potato, ubi, banana, and other root crops and fruit trees to sustain food sufficiency.
He said that Bohol has 20,000 has. of potential corn areas that the provincial government aims to developed.
However, he explained that of these potential areas there are only 6,243 has. existing areas and out of these only
3,483.23 has. have planted with different varieties of corn.
Pamugas encouraged the Boholanos to eat corn because based on the Philippine Statistics Authority data it
showed that there is a big disparity between those people who used to eat rice compared to corn of which the per
capita consumption for rice an individual could consume 115 kilograms (kgs.) per year whereas for corn would only
4.8 kgs.
He added that the province has also enough supplies of vegetables locally grown by Boholanos aside coming from
other provinces.
The Assistant Provincial Agriculturist categorically stated that no need to worry amid the crisis brought about by
COVID-19 because Bohol has enough supply of foods. (Atoy Cosap)

ENOUGH FOOD SUPPLY. Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas (left photo) during the
“Tingog sa mga Bol-anon” program last Friday aired over station DYRD says that Bohol could expect more
food supply next month considering the good condition of standing crop and enough supplies of water of all
the dams in the province.

Gov. Yap challenges farmers to boost production thru farm mechanization

Governor Art C. Yap challenged the Boholano farmers through the Municipal Agriculturists (MAs) and Municipal Agricultural Officers (MAOs) to engage in farm mechanization by availing loans being offered by the Land Bank of the Philippines with 3% interest rate payable within 10 years.

Gov. Yap during the Provincial Coordinating Committee on Agri-Fishery (PCCAF) meeting last Monday held at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Session Hall attended by the MAs/MAOs said that it is the right time to take this good opportunity to borrow money to buy farm machineries to expand farm areas for mass production.

The governor explained that our dreamed increase production would not be achieved if we are only contented or concentrated on the areas what have been tilling now.

He urged the MAs/MAOs to establish the cluster areas composed of adjacent municipalities which have the areas of thousands of hectares (has.) and choose what commodities commonly suitable in the areas so that it could come-up with mass production.

The governor has a high hope that once our production would be increased at a high level, the province could establish processing centers that would generate more jobs to the Boholanos.

During the PCCAF meeting, Gov. Yap intently listening assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas who facilitated to gather the target data from the MAs/MAOs regarding the number of hectares in their respective localities to be planted with different agricultural products such as rice, corn, ubi, sweat potato, coffee, cacao, banana, endemic fruit trees among others.

Pamugas expected that in the next planting season more farm areas would be tilled since during the PCCAF meeting the MAs/MAOs themselves personally gave the figures on the number of hectares to be planted from their potential areas for different commodities.

On that meeting, Gov. Yap urged them to produce more Saba banana which is good in market, nutritional and as an additional staple for food security in the province.

He also advised them that those municipalities who have smaller areas for corn, ubi and other crops like Albur and Baclayon to plant it with fruit trees and vegetables. (Atoy Cosap)

Gov. Yap challenges farmers to boost

production thru farm mechanization

FARM MECHANIZATION. Gov. Art C. Yap (left photo) challenges the Boholano farmers through the Municipal Agriculturists (MAs) and Municipal Agricultural Officers (MAOs) during the Provincial Coordinating Committee on Agri-Fishery (PCCAF) meeting last Monday at the SP Session Hall to engage in mechanized farming and avail loans from Land Bank of the Philippines to buy farm machineries; while Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas (right photo standing with mic) facilitates in the gathering of target data to be planted of different agri products from among the MAS/MAOs in the said meeting.

Farm machineries to boost corn production

Aiming to manage and fully develop the 16,232.8 hectares (has.) of updated potential corn areas, the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) proposed to purchase farm machinery to boost corn production and sustain food sufficiency level in the province of Bohol.

Marjoe Rey Labonite, Head-Research and Agri-Support Services (RASS) Division, OPA and Provincial Corn Coordinator Leon M. Parac, Jr., said that the provincial government is determined to acquire 10 units 4WD 90HP tractors, 10 units Recirculating Dryers, 10 units corn Shellers, 5 units Flat-Bed Dryers, 5 units Dump Trailers, 5 units Combine Harvesters, and 2 units of 6-Wheeler Elf Truck to be rented by the 13 towns which are considered as corn cluster areas namely: Anda, Alicia, Danao, Sagbayan, Carmen, San Miguel, Dagohoy, Sierra-Bullones, Trinidad, Ubay, Dimiao, Valencia and Mabini.

Labonite and Parac said these 13 municipalities have only 29 units of 4WD 90HP tractors of which Ubay and Sagbayan have six each; San Miguel and Trinidad (three each); Danao, Dagohoy, and Dimiao (two each); while Alicia, Anda, Carmen, Sierra-Bullones, and Valencia have one tractor each.

These corn cluster areas have 9, 254.8 has. of updated potential corn areas which supposed to have at least 40 units to capacitate their farm machinery program, they said.

The project is under the Advanced Rural Transformation (ART) Corn Technology 100 of Gov. Arthur C. Yap which was officially launched last July 2, 2020, in Ubojan, Sagbayan, Bohol participated by the local officials led by Sagbayan Mayor Restituto Suarez III and Second District Board Member Frans Gelaine Garcia simultaneous with the distribution of corn seeds to the farmers of the town.

The ART Corn Technology 100 strongly encouraged the corn farmers to plant hybrid corn which has good yield performance up to five tons per hectares which is more advantageous compared to traditional corn variety which has a yield performance from two to three tons per hectares.


Parac said that based on records at the OPA as reported by the corn technicians, Bohol has only 2,360 has. planted with the different varieties of corn starting April to June 2020: 1,342 has. are planted with Open-Pollinated Variety (OPV), 542 has. (traditional variety), 464 has. (hybrid) and 11 has. (sweet corn variety).

These areas planted could have been increased if the data from the eight municipalities with no corn technicians namely: Alburquerque, Lila, Baclayon, Loay, Tubigon, Calape, Loboc and Panglao have reported and consolidated.

With regards to the stocks of corn in the province, last March during the harvesting period, Bohol had produced 2,723.57 sacks of corn grits that would only last for 7.96 days as the daily consumption of Boholanos of corn is 342 sacks.

Parac disclosed that corn farmers are in need of farm machinery, post-harvest facilities, corn seeds (hybrid, conventional hybrid, open-pollinated variety) and fertilizers.

He said the province has corn seeds program wherein the distributions have already been started, but not enough for the needed requirements among corn farmers.

For this year, the PGBh has only 443 sacks of corn seeds of which 243 from the supplemental budget and the 200 sacks from the regular budget purchases. (Atoy Cosap)

ART CORN TECHNOLOGY 100. Gov. Arthur C. Yap (left driving the tractor) leads the launching of the “Advanced Rural Transformation (ART) Corn Technology 100 and the corn seeds distribution last July 2, 2020, in Ubojan, Sagbayan as he encourages the Boholano corn farmers to plant hybrid corn to boost production.                                                                                                                             Foto JUN PARAC (OPA)