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Cassava industry foresees shine again

After the Liwayway Corporation had stopped their operation in cassava business here in the province of Bohol sometimes in 2017, the cassava industry has been collapsed that would badly affect the income among Boholano cassava farmers.
But this dark and dismal situation is foreseen to have shined again if the PNP-KGB Multipurpose Cooperative could avail the grant from the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) under the Department of Agriculture (DA) in the amount of P50 million pesos.
Gertrudes S. Fuentes, Chief-Crops and Productivity Division, Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) said that the PNB-KGB MPC is now about to present the Business Plan to Regional Program Advisory Board (RPAB) that composed by the DA and other Agri-line Agency Officials and if it will get a nod then the cooperative will comply other requirements to finally approve the grant.
Fuentes said that RPAB is meticulous in dealing and accepting the documents from the proponent to ensure that the project would be properly implemented.
She said that the PRDP has to look at some considerations as to grant the projects to the proponent and which are the following: capacity to provide equity, must be a registered coop/PO, has a certificate of good standing, certified by the DA, large number of memberships, capacity to handle the project, submission of letter of intent and has an Approved Commodity Investment Plan (ACIP).
Actually, she said the cassava processing project under PRDP has three interested proponents to compete
namely: PNB_KGB MPC, Trinidad Multipurpose Cooperative, and Riceland Paradise Multipurpose Cooperative. But only the PNB-KGB MPC has qualified because it has an ACIP.
Of the P50M worth cassava processing project, 5% of the P10M which is the 20% of the P50M is the cash equity equivalent to P500,000.
The PNB-KGB MPC has 2, 000 members province wide through the chairmanship of Edgar Bag-ao, a retired Cooperative Development Authority employee who has love and passion in farming.
The province of Bohol has 3,346.17 hectares (has.) of potential land cassava areas and 5, 741 total numbers of cassava farmers.
The top ten municipalities who have large areas for cassava planting are: Carmen (716 has.), Trinidad (427.43 has.), Dagohoy (250 has.), Dimiao (239.45 has.), San Miguel (214.75 has.), Mabini (203.5 has.), Pilar (178.5 has.), Ubay (172.5 has.), Sierra-BUllones (75 has.) and Danao (70 has.). Other areas are scattered to other towns in the province.
Acting Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas is optimistic that once the project would be materialized the cassava industry in Bohol will definitely jump into higher height which is a great help for the Boholano farmers to have additional income. (Atoy Cosap)

Farmers’ forum starts tomorrow

The new administration of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) is determined to dig deeper to get the
root causes on why that the prices of some agricultural products in the province are high compared to other
As part of this endeavour, the PGBh through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) will hold the two
days farmers and fisherfolks forum which will start tomorrow and will end up on the following day at the
Ceremonial Hall, 4 th Floor, News Capitol Building, Cogon District, Tagbilaran City.
Governor Erico Aristotle C. Aumentado has wanted to meet with the presidents of the irrigators associations and
peoples organizations, municipal agriculturists (MAs) and representatives from agri-line agencies to tackle issues
and concerns they have been encountered that hampering the development of the agriculture sector as well as to
gather sentiments from them on what priority programs they may deem immediate.
For so long a time, the farmers have been facing the problems of high prices of fertilizers and rice seeds, low
price of palay, high production cost/labour cost and the bad effects of climate change; while the fisherfolks have
been tied have been also tied with the escalating prices of feeds for cultured fishery and fishing gears, investment
capital and becomes victims of unscrupulous fish traders.
The high prices of fish in the province have always been the clamour among the buying public for so many years
already comparing the prices of the same commodities in other provinces.
In the opening program tomorrow morning, Gov. Aumentado will deliver his inspirational message after Vice-
Gov. Dionisio Victor A. Balita could give his message of support; while Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M.
Pamugas will give the agricultural situation in Bohol as Board Member Nathaniel O. Binlod, Sangguniang
Panlalawigan Chairman- Committee on Agriculture and Provincial Agriculturist Liza M. Quirog will give the
welcome message and acknowledge the participants respectively.
Direcor Joel A. Elumba, OIC-Regional Executive Direcor, Department of Agriculture (DA) 7; Dr. Gracia F.
Arado, OIC-Center Director, Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) 7; Candido T. Samijon, Provincial Fishery
Officer, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Elena Fabre, Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Bohol; Jessamyne Anne C. Alcazaren, Chief Statistical Specialist, Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA); Engr. Reyne
B. Ugay, Acting Regional Manager, National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Regional Office-7; and Ms. Fe H.
Evasco, Manager, National Food Authority (NFA) will present their programs and projects.
There will be an open forum and workshop to be undertaken before Engr. Ricardo D. Oblena, CESO III-
Executive Assistant for Agriculture in the provincial government will formally close the preliminary program. (Atoy

OPA accepts Suhid ’23 nominees

The Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) is now
accepting nominees from the agri-fishery sector in all municipalities of Bohol for the 24 categories of the Suhid sa
Malampusong Mag-uumang Bol-anon 2023 search.

This developed during the pre-evaluation meeting last Thursday held at the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
Liza M. Quirog, 3 rd  Floor, New Capitol Building of which it was agreed that the deadline for the submission of the
nominees will be on September 6, 2023, and the evaluations will be conducted on September 11, 2023 up to the end
of October 2023.

The OPA is hopeful that the Municipal Agriculturists/Municipal Agricultural Officers (Mas/MAOs) will catch up
on the given schedules for the smooth conduct of the tilt so as to hit the target on the awarding ceremony which was
tentatively scheduled in the middle of November this year.

 Provincial Agriculturist Quirog said that she would expect more nominees for every category of the search to be
submitted through the MAs/MAOs because of the big prizes at stake as this year’s tilt the winners would receive not
only money as prizes but also farm equipment which are very useful to their respective field of works.

The SUHID ’23 categories and its corresponding prizes are as follows: Outstanding Farmer on Integrated Rice
Based-Farming System with the prizes of P6, 000 and one unit of power tiller, Outstanding Hybrid Corn Farmer (P6,
000 + corn sheller), Outstanding OPV Corn Farmer (P6, 000 + corn sheller), Outstanding Integrated High-Value
Crops Farmer (P6, 000 + garden cultivator), Outstanding cacao grower (P6, 000 + mechanical pruner), Outstanding
Cassava Farmer (P6, 000 + garden cultivator),

Outstanding Banana Grower (P6, 000 + power sprayer), Outstanding Organic Agriculture Individual Practitioner
(P10, 000 + garden cultivator), Outstanding Organic Practitioner Association (P17, 000 + garden cultivator),
Outstanding Tilapia Culture Commercial Pond (P6, 000 + water pump), Outstanding Tilapia Culture Backyard Pond
(P6, 000 + water pond), Outstanding Bangus Culture Cage (P6, 000 + fiber glass boat), Outstanding Bangus Culture
Pond (P6, 000 + water pond), Outstanding Fishermen’s Association (P17, 000 + fabricated pumpboat),

Outstanding Municipal Agriculturist (P6, 000 + power sprayer), Outstanding Farmers Association Program
Based (P17, 000 + garden cultivator and power tiller), Outstanding Rural Woman (P6, 000 + garden cultivator),
Outstanding 4H-Club (P20, 000 + garden cultivator), Outstanding Organic Technician (P6, 000 + power sprayer),
Outstanding Rice Technician (P6, 000 + (P6, 000 + power sprayer), Outstanding Corn Technician (P6, 000 + power
sprayer), and Outstanding Fishery Technician (P6, 000 + power sprayer). (Atoy Cosap)

Sandugo Agri Fair yields P780,000 in sales

The just concluded three-day Sandugo Agri-fair in the province of Bohol last July 18-20 at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport had gotten total sales of P780, 814.

 The fair was participated by 23 exhibitors from the different participating Municipal Local Government Units (MLGUs) namely: Pilar, Talibon, Tagbilaran City, Buenavista, Calape, San Miguel, Baclayon, Bien Unido, Batuan, Carmen, Candijay, Cortes, Trinidad, Sierra-Bullones, Loon, Valencia, Panglao, Sevilla, Loboc, Ubay, Dimiao, Balilihan, and Dauis.

Eleven commercial partner exhibitors participated. These were the Bio AGRONICA, RPC-KOICA, UNACHO Feeds Company, AGRIMAC, SL HATAW Seeds Distributor, BONACGA-Bohol Native Chicken Grower’s Association, Bohol Rabbit, FISH, Suki Trading, PIGROLAC and Aldrtz Corporation; while the seven Tabo Exhibitors were: AIM, Jumawid Farm, Evalyn’s Processed, Garrote Dried Fish, KaBoOM, BUSEO and Cabudlan Farmers Association.

Gov. Erico Aristotle C. Aumentado in his inspirational message during the closing and awarding program last July 20, emphasized that agriculture is on top of his priority programs in the province.

Gov. Aumentado thanked the exhibitors who participated in the fair while he asked them to continue giving support to the plans and programs of the provincial government.

The Sandugo Agri-fair is an annual activity of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) as one of the highlights of the month-long celebration of the Bohol Sandugo Festival every July showcasing the agricultural products from the Boholano farmers, fisherfolks and livestock raisers.

The three-day activities included different contests with big prizes at stake which also encouraged the exhibitors to participate.

The celebration aims to recognize and award the efforts and toil of the Boholanos who have been helping the PGBh in shaping up the agricultural landscape of Bohol.

The fair was closely coordinated with the Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Office 7 (DA-FRO 7) and other government agri-line agencies: Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Bohol Island State University (BISU), Ubay Stock Farm (USF), Office of the Provincial Veterinarian (OPV), Bohol Agricultural Promotion Center (B-APC) and Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA). 

Preparation full swings for Agri-fair this month

The Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) is in thick preparations to ensure the successful
conduct of Sandugo Agri-fair 2022 slated on July 18-20, 2022 at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport.

The 3-day fair beaming the theme “Ang Tinubdan sa Pagkaon atong Ampingan aron ang Pag-
asenso Makuptan” is an annual activity of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) to add savor of
the month-long celebration of Bohol Sandugo Festival every month of July.

Usually, the celebration has been participated by more than 20 municipalities and it is expected
to have more participants in this new blend of leadership in the provincial government under the
leadership of Gov. Aris Aumentado and Vice Gov. Dionisio Victor Balite.

In view of this, a preparatory meeting has been called tomorrow to be attended by the Agri-fair
Technical Working Group (TWG), Municipal Agriculturists/Municipal Agricultural Officers and
representatives from agri-related government agencies to finalize the preparation and encourage active

As of the presstime, there are already seven municipalities have manifested their intention to
participate the fair.

The fair is a perfect venue to showcase the agricultural products from the Boholano
fisherfolks/farmers that would create market between them and the possible traders or buyers.

There are contests with big prizes at stake that have been conducted such as: Pinaka (the
biggest agri-products/commodities), booth contest, Martin Nievera Voice Alike Singing and She’s Gone
Challenge Singing Contests, Tango Dance, Tiktok Challenge (Paro Paro G) Contest (Male/Female Senior
Citizen Category), Motorcade and Bangus Deboning Contests.

Provincial Agriculturist Liza M. Quirog and Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas
have already directed the different working committees just created to do their shared duties and
responsibilities to ensure the successful conduct of Sandugo Agri-fair 2022.

The fair also aims to recognize and reward the sweats and toils among Boholano
fisherfolks/farmers in the quest of making Bohol food abundance and far from hunger place to live in.
By Atoy Cosap

No Ubi Fest but can still
buy Ubi at Old Airport

Due to the super typhoon “Odette” and the Local Government Units (LGUs) have been very busy in the relief
and rehabilitation efforts, the Ubi Festival cannot be conducted this year.
The Ubi Festival is one of the annual activities of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) every 3 rd  week of
January which aims at recognizing and awarding the Ubi growers who have been helping the PGBh to sustain the
Ubi industry in Bohol.
However, Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas said that the buying public can still buy Ubi
tubers in big volume at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport starting tomorrow until supply lasts.
Pamugas emphasized that only Ubi products from the members of the Bohol Ubi Growers Associations (BUGA)
are allowed to be displayed and sold at the Old Airport.
He added that the conduct of Ubi Festival has a lot of preparation which could be hardly done by the LGUs
whose times have been focused on the relief operations and restoration of the devastation brought about by Odette.
Pamugas also clarified that not only Ubi tubers can be sold at the old airport but also other root crops like
cassava, camote, apale, gabi among others.
The assistant Provincial Agriculturist stressed that if there had been no Odettete that hit Bohol even though there 
is still a threat of COVID-19 like last year, the PGBh through OPA could conduct Ubi Fest this year.
Regularly, the Ubi Festival has been participated by the LGU of Tagbilaran City, Dauis, Panglao, Baclayon,
Sikatuna, Corella, Cortes, Antequera, Loon, Carmen, Pilar, Ubay, Sevilla, Loay, Dimiao, Balilihan, San Isidro, San
Miguel, Valencia, Jagna, and Anda.
The selling of Ubi at the Old Airport tomorrow coincides with the launching of the “Kadiwa on Wheels” in
Bohol this year wherein fruits, vegetables, root crops and fish products from Davao and Zamboanga Regions will be
sold such project is in partnership with the province of Bohol. ( with report from Atoy Cosap)
DA Sec. Dar arrives this afternoon
The Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William D. Dar will this afternoon in the province to lead the
turnover of the different projects of DA to the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) among others.
 Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas said that Sec. Dar will stay overnight in Bohol to lead the
ceremonial turnover of the different projects of the department to the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh)  and
to give assistance to the Boholano farmers.
According to the news posted by DA’s Facebook Page, Sec. Dar will lead the ceremonial awarding of the cash
subsidy to 52,818 Boholano rice farmers amounted to more than P264M under the Rice Farmers’ Financial
Assistance (RFFA) program who are duly registered at the Registry System on Basic Sector (RSBSA) during the
program to be held tomorrow morning at Bohol Island State University (BISU) Tagbilaran City Main Campus.
The equipment to be turned over by Sec. Dar to the PGBh are the 5 hauling trucks worth P9.3M from the rice
program and the agribusiness and marketing assistance division, corn seeds worth more than P8M, farm-to-market-
road for 7 local government units worth more than P70M, and the combined interventions from the Special Area for
Agricultural Development program and the Balik Probinsya program worth P1.4M.
Other equipment to be turned by the sec. to the PGBh and BISU System is for the Bohol Soils and Water
Laboratory Center from the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) to be constructed in BISU, Bilar
The Assistant Provincial Agriculturist added that also in the program that Sec. Dar will sign the Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) between Gov. Art C. Yap regarding the Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension
System (PAPES) programs for Bohol.
Bohol is one of the pilot provinces on PAPES program of the Department of Agriculture wherein according to Dar
could expect more projects to pour in.
Before leaving for Manila, the Secretary will launch the Kadiwa on Wheels at the old Tagbilaran City Airport at
1:30 p.m. selling indigenous fruits such as durian, marang, pomelo, rambutan, root crops and various vegetables at
low prices from Agbu Farmers’ Association, Davao Farmers’ Cooperative, First Consolidated Cooperative and the
Ulay Argo Enterprises.
The Kadiwa on Wheels will be participated also by the traders and entrepreneurs from Zamboanga Region that
will be selling fresh and dried fish.

The Ubi tubers from the Bohol Ubi Growers Association (BUGA) will also be sold at the old Tabilaran City
On Tuesday, the Mobile Market will be going to Dauis, Albur, and Loay and on Wednesday at the Bohol
Agricultural Promotion Center (B-APC) for the market matching between the producers from regions 9 and 11 and
organized exhibitors of the ART Tabo sa Bohol and the Cooperatives  have been engaging retailing program. (Atoy

DA Sec. Dar to arrive in Bohol Thursday

Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William D. Dar has confirmed to be in Bohol on Thursday for his three-day visit.

This would be the second visit of Sec. Dar this year in the province.

It may be recalled that last June 4, 2021, the secretary led the ceremonial turnover of P387 million worth of agri-fishery projects to the Boholano Farmers’ Cooperative Association (FCA) held at the 4th Floor, Ceremonial Hall, New Capitol Building, Cogon, Tagbilaran City.

At the turnover ceremony, Dar stated that Bohol is one of the pilot provinces under the Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Systems (PAFES) Program of DA.

Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas and Provincial Agricultural Technology Coordinating Officer (PATCO) Roman Dabalos said that as of now, there are no changes on the scheduled arrival of the secretary on Thursday and will fly back to Manila on Saturday afternoon.

Based on the tentative itinerary, the secretary upon his arrival will directly proceed to Alta Resort in Baclayon as keynote speaker during the National Assessment of Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Systems (PAFES) to be attended by the Regional Directors (RDs) of the DA nationwide.

After his keynote speech, the secretary will lead in the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) together with Gov. Art Yap, RD 7 Joel Elumba and heads of the different line agencies who are involved with PAFES.

On Friday, Sec. Dar will lead in the ground breaking of the Coconut Hub Building to be constructed in Del Carmen Sur, Balilihan and the launching of the Rice Farmers Financial Assistance (RFFA) on the following day in Poblacion, Pilar wherein 5,000 Boholano farmers will receive P5,000 each as subsidy from the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF).

Dabalos explained that some 80,000 Boholano rice farmers who have tilled two hectares below of rice land who have been affected by the Rice Tariffication Law are entitled for this subsidy of which last year there were close to 60,000 farmers who received the subsidy.

Dabalos bared that on Saturday afternoon Sec. Dar will fly back to Manila for some engagements. (Atoy Cosap)

Kasadya Christmas Bazaar early gift for farmers, MSMEs

The Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) has given the farmers, Micro Small Medium Enterprises
(MMES), repa victims and youth an earlier Christmas gift when they can sell their products at the
Kasadya Christmas Bazaar located at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport for free from any rental starting last
After the ribbon cutting during the soft opening of the Kasadya Christmas Bazaar last Thursday
afternoon, Gov. Art C. Yap in his message emphasized that the opening of the Bohol Showcase Center at
the CPG Park last November 4, 2021 and the Kasadya Christmas Bazaar 2021 are in line with the plans
and programs of the provincial government geared towards agriculture.
Gov. Yap said that the program aims to give additional income of the agriculture sector, youth,
MSMEs and the victims of the Ponzi Scam by selling their owned products at the display areas direct
from their farms that would eventually create market linkages between the farmers and the buyers that
would also benefit the buying public to buy cheaper prices compared than those at the wet market.
The governor clarified that the Bohol Showcase Center is purposely designed for processed products
made in Bohol which are something unique to include the Bugnay and Rice Wines, ice cream,
handicrafts, personal accessories among others; while at the Old City Airport would be exclusively for
agricultural products in the long run.
He explained that as of now since we still have limited processed products to be displayed at the
Showcase Center, other agricultural products have been allowed but properly arranged at the designated
Yap encouraged the mayors to display at the Showcase Center if they have their owned products in
their respective places that need to be showcased.
He said that the activity at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport would continue until early next year
connecting the Ubi Festival activities.
Yap said that he was elated on the outcome of the one month Ubi Festival last January this year
wherein the total sales had reached to P13M exceeded the expected target of P8M such amount would go
directly to the pockets of the farmers and fisherfolks that would largely help their livelihood.
He urged the Boholanos to continue supporting his administration so as more programs and
developments to happen in this agricultural province of Bohol. (Atoy Cosap)

SOFT OPENING. Bohol Gov. Art C. Yap leads the soft opening of the Kasadya Christmas Bazaar 2021 last Thursday
at the Old Tagbilaran City Airport of which the activity would continue until early next year connecting the Ubi Festival

Bohol Showcase Center opened

The Boholano farmers, fisherfolks, processors, and plantitos/plantitas have already a modern facility
for them to sell their agri-fishery products, processed foods and plants at the cheaper prices compared
than those at the public markets.
This developed after the Bohol Showcase Center was constructed by the Provincial Government of
Bohol (PGBh) at the CPG Park, fronting Bohol Wisdom School, CPG North Avenue, Cogon, Tagbilaran
City and was being blessed and formally opened last Thursday as one of the highlights in the
commemoration of the 125 th birthday of Bohol’s most illustration son Pres. Carlos P. Garcia.
Rev. Fr. Lito Geangan officiated the blessing after the ribbon led by Gov. Art C. Yap and Vice Gov.
Rene Relampagos together with the Sangguniang Panlalawigan members, Provincial Agriculturist Liza
M. Quirog, Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas, Maria Fe M. Dominise and other
department heads.
In his message, Gov. Yap expressed elation to see Boholano farmers, fisherfolks, processors among
others displaying and selling their products of which the sales would go directly to their owned pockets.
Yap emphasized that the purpose of constructing the center is to help them in selling their products in
addition to their income.
He added that this is also helping the consumers or buying public to buy cheaper prices.
Yap said the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) did not ask any taxes from the exhibitors at the
showcase center.
The more than 50 exhibitors who have been displaying and selling their agri-fishery products,
handicrafts, processed products, kakanin or favourite Boholano delicacies, among others expressed thanks
and gratitude to the provincial government who have been helping them to earn especially in this time of
pandemic as a way also of encouraging the Boholano farmers and fisherfolks to become more industrious
knowing there is a sure market of their products.
Witnessing the blessing and opening of the Bohol Showcase Center who flanked with Gov. Yap were
Vice Gov. Relampagos, Board Members Aldner Damalerio, Victor Balite, Frans Garcia-Devenosa, Jade
Bautista, Lucille Lagunay; Atty. Abel Damalerio from the Office of Congressman Edgar M. Chatto,
Tagbilaran City Councilor Ondoy Borja who represented City Mayor John Geesnell L. Yap; Police
Colonel(PCol.) Osmundo Salibo, PLt. Col. Mary Cristal Peralta, Jerome Gonzales of DILG, Ret. PCol.
Sancho Bernales, Philippine Coast Guard Personnel and members of the Provincial Management
Executive Board. (Atoy Cosap)

BLESSING AND OPENING OF SHOWCASE CENTER. Rev. Fr. Lito Geangan blesses the newly constructed Bohol
Showcase Center at the CPG Park fronting the Bohol Wisdom School, CPG North Avenue, Cogon, Tagbilaran City

last Thursday as Gov. Art C. Yap leads the activity to highlight the commemoration of 125 th birth anniversary of
Bohol’s illustrious son President Carlos P. Garcia.

Outstanding farmers and fisherfolks awarded

The Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) has once
again awarded and recognized the winners of the Suhid sa Malampusong Mag-uumang Bol-anon during the
awarding ceremony held at the 4 th Floor, Ceremonial Hall, New Capitol Building, Cogon, Tagbilaran City last
Provincial Legal Office Atty. Nilo Ahalat for and in behalf of Gov. Art C. Yap and Board Member Aldner
Damalerio in lieu of Vice Gov. Rene L. Relampagos led in the giving of awards to the 25 winners and their
respective assisting technicians assisted by Board Member Lucille Lagunay; Dr. Regucivilla A. Pobar, President,
Bohol Island State University (BISU) Systems; and Assistant Provincial Agriculturist Larry M. Pamugas.
The winners of the different categories together with their assisting technicians and their corresponding prizes
were the following: Tultugan Organic Farmers Association of Tultugan, Calape as Outstanding Organic Agriculture
Practitioner who received P15,000 and plaque and assisting technician Jason M. Villas who also received P3,000
and certificate of recognition; Amelia O. Virtudazo (Malbog, Jagna) Outstanding Organic Agriculture Technician
(P5,000 plus plaques); Gemma Deloso Bag-ao (Taytay, Duero) Outstanding Organic Agriculture Practitioner
(Individual Family) (P10,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Evelyn N. Berou (P3,000 plus certificate of
Dionisia C. Baculi (San Pascual, Ubay) – Outstanding Local Fruits Farmer (5,000 plus plaques) and assisting
technician Marenitte C. Avenido (P3,000 plus recognition of recognition); Elma C. Amad (La Victoria, Valencia) –
Outstanding HVCDP Technicians (P5,000 plus plaques);
Marcela P. Palma (Poblacion, San Miguel) – Outstanding Municipal Agriculturist (P5,000 plus plaques); Vidal
Limbago Jumawid (Pob. Sur, Carmen) – Outstanding Cassava Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician
Jon Guillermo M. Mejares (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); Josenilo C. Gara (St. Tomas Trinidad) –
Outstanding Corn Technician (P5,000 plus plaques); Priscilla V. Oreo (Benliw, Ubay) – Outstanding OPV Corn
Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Amalia H. Cutamora (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition);
Joachim Pinat (P7, Bayongan, San Miguel) – Outstanding Young Farmer/Fisherfolks Category (P10,000 plus
plaques) and assisting technician Guillermo M. Lucip (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); Arlene Baculi (Ubay)
– Outstanding Rural Women (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Marianito M. Doydora (P3,000 plus
certificate of recognition); Young Farmers 4-H Club c/o Geraldine Cirunay (Sagbayan) – Outstanding Farmer
Organization/4-H Club (P15,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Mitchie Maldora Ragas (P3,000 plus
certificate of recognition); Rey Boaquin (Ubay) – Outstanding Tilapia Culture (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting
technician Juliebe P. Dupit; Kahugpungan sa Gagmay’ng Mananagat ug Mag-uuma sa Sinandigan (KAGAMMASI)
c/o Jose Cuyno – Outstanding Seaweeds Producer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Windly Mejias
(P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); Ana Mae Evangelista (San Roque, Talibon) – Outstanding Fishery
Technician (P5,000 plus plaques);
Vicente Luminarias (Banlasan, Trinidad) – Outstanding Corn Hybrid Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting
technician Avelina Lopiceros (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); Adelina Circulado (Balansan, Trinidad) –
Outstanding Integrated High Value Crops Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Felix Torreon
(P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); Nick Guisado (Danao) – Outstanding Highest Yielder on Inbred Rice (ART
120) Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Evelyn Estilloro (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition);
Bernadita Castulo (Candijay) – Outstanding Highest Yielder on Hybrid Rice (ART 160) Farmer (P5,000 plus
plaques) and assisting technician Josephine Fernando (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition) Lucita Bonghanoy
(Ubay) – Outstanding Rice Technician (P5,000 plus plaques); Annalisa Monil (Riverside, Bilar) – Outstanding
Exhibitor of ART Tabo sa Bohol (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Mary Ann Bayud (P3,000 plus
certificate of recognition); Rainera Rebuya (Anislag, Corella) – Outstanding Agri-Enterprise for Crops (P15,000
plus plaques) and assisting technician Niecille C.Manigo (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition); and VJ G.Mendez
(Bayongan, San Miguel) – Outstanding Coconut Farmer (P5,000 plus plaques) and assisting technician Jessielen
Pacomios (P3,000 plus certificate of recognition).
In their messages of support, Atty. Ahat, BM Damalerio articulated the programs and projects of the provincial
government geared towards the development of agriculture in Bohol.
They congratulated the winners as they asked them to continue support the quests of the provincial government.
On her part, Dr. Pobar lauded the programs and projects of the provincial government towards agriculture
wherein some of those who are working in agriculture offices in Bohol were alumni of BISU.
Pobar said that BISU has always supporting and cooperation the PGBh.

The BISU System president and Atty. Ahat in behalf of Gov. Yap inked the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
for the establishment of Soil & Water Laboratory inside the BISU Bilar Campus. (Atoy Cosap)
SUHID WINNERS AWARDING. The Provincial Government of Bohol through the Office of the Provincial Government
has awarded and recognized the winners of the SUHID sa Malampusong Mag-uumang Bol-anon 2021 during the
awarding held at the 4 th Floor, Ceremonial Hall, New Capitol Building, Cogon, Tagbilaran City last Thursday.